The Study Hall - SAT Instruction

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The Free SAT Instruction on this page should help you understand the SAT and improve your score.

The core of our Test Preparation programs is based on learning from actual tests. This principle has proved successful since 1992. We have refined the program to eliminate the “busy” work and place the emphasis on work that results in points on the test.

Advances in technology have allowed us to take our program to an even higher level. We can utilize key features of programs to maximize the efficiency of our students’ learning. The core of the online program is described below. It is a complete program, but you will need to purchase The Official SAT Study Guide published by the College Board. It contains 10 actual tests, and we use these onsite and online. (You can purchase it by using this TEST PREP BOOKS)

First: Review the Flash Instruction below which will show you how to approach the test and review the skills you need for the test.*

Second: Take tests in The Official Sat Study Guide. The answers to the tests are included, but not the explanations or analysis.*

Third: Use the Interactive Virtual Test Simulation to enhance you ability to read critically and take apart and solve problems.

*Note: The text we use here in the office is available with the other test prep books. For maximum instruction explanations for the questions in The Official SAT Study Guide are available with the other test prep books, but you can improve by taking as many tests as possible. We do have more intensive instruction avalable at this SITE Link, but this SAT Instruction on this free site should provide enough information to improve your score. You can also check out our Coming Soon page and follow future plans.

Interactive Introductory Presentations (2 hrs)
This is where we describe the test and review the verbal, math, and writing skills the students need to beat the test. The text for these is online for the student to copy. Presentation

The links below will link you to the Flash Movies. This requires the Flash Player. If you don't presently have it, the player downloads quickly and is completely safe. You can get it HERE. The Movie can take a few seconds to load, depending on your internet connection.  Be patient, the brief wait is well worth it.

Introduction to the SAT, Structure, Scoring, Guessing (4:45 min)

Sentence Completion, Reading Comprehension (13:15 min)

Math 1: Averages, Percentages, Word Problems, Exponents, Geometry (18 min)

Math 2: Geometry, Work Problems, Made-up Functions, Statistics, Probability (15:40 min)

Math 3: Remainders, Combinations, Trigonometry (19 min)

Writing Skills: Types of Questions, Most Common Errors (9:10 min)

Essay Instruction (9:15 min)


This link will take you to an Interactive Virtual Simulation SAT Test. It will be like taking a Virtual test with an instructor taking the test with you.


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